Course Format
1. Course Code: UG-CS(05)-S5-T
2. Mode: Blended Online Mode
3. Title: i) Visual Basic Programming and Database Management System
ii) Practicals
4. Type of Course: (Foundation/ Discipline/ Elective): Foundation
5. No of Credits: 12 (TH= 08 + P= 04)
6. Semester and Year Offered: Semester 2020
7. Course Coordinator and Team:
Mr. S. A. Durge |
Mr. M. M. Wasu |
Mob No: 7841850060 |
Mob No: 8275289462 |
Email Id: |
Email Id: |
8. Aim: Providing the basics of VB Programming and Database Management System.
9. Objective:
The objective of the course is to acquaint the students about the VB Programming and Database Management System, its various components, operations, applications and uses in our day-to-day life.
10. Institution: Bajaj College of Science, Wardha.
11. Language: English
12. Video Transcripts: --
13. Price: FREE
Reference Books:
1. VISUAL BASIC – to Advance by Soma Dasgupta [BPB Publication]
2. Evangelos Petroutsos, Mastering Visual Basic 6.0 BPB Publication.
4. Visual Basic 6 Deitel & Deitel (Pearson Education)
5. Mastering VB 6.0 Black Book -Peter - Norton-Techmedia
6. Front End Development Using Visual Basic 4th Edition –Dr. S.B.Kishor, Das Ganu Prakashan.
7. Data Base System Concepts By A SilbersChatz By Henry Korth And S.Sudarshan
8. Introduction to Data Base Management by NAVEEN PRAKASH [Tata McGrawHill Ltd.]
9. Bipin C. Desai, An Introduction to Database Systems, Galgotia Publications.
10. Raghu Ramakrishnan & Johannes Gerhrke, “Data Base Management Systems”.
11. Muzumdar, Introduction to Database Management Systems, TMH.
12. Database Management System – Dr. S.B.Kishor, Das Ganu Prakashan.
- Teacher: Sagar Durge